As my cats race around like lunatics yet again, I think admiringly, “gosh, I wish I had their energy!”
But you know what else cats do often? They rest. And the two are inextricably linked.
Cats have mad bursts of energy throughout the day, but when they’re tired, they don’t second guess it, they lie down and take a nap.
Cats are masters of both sleep and downtime (and maybe mindfulness too?)
Hi, I’m Holly - coach, mindfulness facilitator and author of Zestful Zen. I write about self-care, change, personal growth, mindfulness, and purpose. If you like life to be full of zest and energy, complemented by a zen, calm mind, Zestful Zen is the community for you! 💖✨
Dial up your downtime
Pipsqueak will happily spend an hour watching the world from the balcony, curiously observing strangers passing by - and freaking them out as she sits seemingly precariously on the railing (it’s actually pretty wide). She doesn’t worry that somebody will judge her for chilling.
Cats don’t have a list of things they must accomplish before they take a break. They don’t need permission to pause. They simply listen to their bodies.
In one moment, they can be bouncing off the walls (quite literally, it’s often like indoor parkour round my place) and in the next second they’re cuddled in a corner snoozing contentedly.
When cats need a rest, they take it, no guilty feelings or trying to power through “just one more hour". No scheduling their days down to the last second. They follow their instincts and give their minds and bodies what they need.
And you know what? It works. A power nap later, they’re rejuvenated and back to business.
And pump up your play
The other key element of my kitties’ lives is play. And I don’t mean organised fun.
They play freely using their imaginations.
Yes, they’ve got lots of toys, but there’s nothing Pipsqueak loves more than ripping chunks off cardboard boxes. It’s her thing and she’s unapologetic for it.
Binky meanwhile would far rather be at the top of a curtain. You do you Binky, furnishings be damned.
Look Mum, I’m decorating the floor!
Tapping into feline wisdom
Of course, human life is more complicated. Most of us have to (and want to) work. We need to earn a living to provide comfortable homes for ourselves and our families (furry and human).
But we’re also driven to achieve, setting ourselves big ambitious goals and overcoming obstacles to deliver them. While this can be exciting and fulfilling, too much of anything can wear us down eventually.
So perhaps we can learn a few things from our furry friends and incorporate their intuitive approach to rest and play into our daily routines?
Embracing my inner kitty
Since deepening my mindfulness practice, I’ve been tuning into my body more and regularly noticing “oh I need a rest” (both physical and mental breaks).
Sometimes this means a Saturday afternoon nap, other days it’s taking an hour to savour a book. Or it might mean enjoying a woodland stroll, soaking in the nature around me.
This downtime recharges my batteries, getting me ready to face my next challenge.
I’m also being more spontaneous and freer in my play. I’ll always love Zumba classes, but lately I find myself randomly picking up a colouring book or popping into a neighbourhood gallery.
Having a less structured approach to my leisure time brings a sense of freedom and fun. I still make plans, but often leave a few hours free for whatever takes my fancy when the time comes.
Random rambles around the city with no strict route or destination in mind lead to chance discoveries that I wouldn’t have otherwise stumbled across, opening up new possibilities and even boosting my imagination and creativity.
Embracing a more feline approach to rest and play works for me. I’m listening to my body and mind more, and I’m happier as a result. So thank you Binky, Smokey and Pipsqueak for sharing your life lessons with me. 😻
Could you live your life more like a kitty too?
Questions for self-reflection or journalling
Do you rest when you need it? Or are you pushing on through?
How well do you listen to your body?
What sort of rest nourishes your body and soul?
When was the last time you played freely?
What does unstructured fun look like to you? What rejuvenates your mind?
What’s your current balance between work, rest and play? Where do you want it to be?
Let’s share ✨
I’d love to hear your thoughts about rest and play. Are you getting enough of them in your life? Are there other lessons you’ve learned from your furry friends?
Let’s have a conversation in the comments or subscriber chat. Or feel free to drop me a DM. 💬
Have a sublime Saturday, friends! 🌞
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"Since deepening my mindfulness practice, I’ve been tuning into my body more and regularly noticing “oh I need a rest” (both physical and mental breaks)." -> this is so great. how do you do it? do you meditate?
What a delightful post! 🐈 I’m much better at rest and play as I’ve got older. I used to feel guilty about taking time for myself, but I know now how important it is.
Fellow Zumba fan here too! Haven’t been to a class for a while now, but I remember how freeing and fun it was. Damn, you’ve reminded me I need to dance more! I bloomin love it! 😻 💃🏼