Sep 4Liked by Holly Bailie

Maybe set the intention, pick a book at random and find a word which resonates then find something you can learn relating to that word?

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Oh I am already on top of this one - I am getting some lessons on floral arrangement from a pro. She makes unusual arrangements with unusual flowers. I volunteered to help set up flowers at 3 weddings this last weekend and got a ton of flowers out of it, but once I got them home, I realize I really don't even know the basics of how to properly arrange flowers, so she offered to teach me!

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Oh that sounds fabulous Melissa! There's something so lovely about having fresh flowers at home to admire, and even better if you can arrange them artistically. Enjoy!

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Bailie

So glad you made it to the coast, it looks beautiful! I sadly did not get to do any exciting new walks other than from the car to the osteopath 😂 but it is progress so I am happy! I love learning so this week's challenge will be awesome. Looking forward to seeing what happens for you and everyone else who take up the challenge 🙌🏻

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Good for you on having a positive attitude despite the obstacles Kym! I had a few sessions with an osteopath last year and was amazed at what they achieved. Glad you're excited about the challenge. I'm still pondering what I'll try to learn.... ⭐️

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