Yes! Do this. You are anyway. There is not turning back once a path reveals itself. I've been living like this for ages and it is financially insecure BUT I have learned a lot about what I can live without and all the things I have to 'give up' because I couldn't afford them turned out not worth having anyway. Life is so unsure anyway, may as well throw yourself into the raging river and whoop. It all works out in the ens, however clichéd rhat sounds. I love your line about no longer feeling compliant as you get older (you said it better). It's so true.

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Thanks for the encouragement Karin! Yeah, I'm gradually adjusting to living with less and thinking creatively about making the most of what resources I do have. At the end of the day, I figure I have another 30 years of working life ahead of me, so I better do something I enjoy, that nourishes my soul. Glad the line resonated with you - I really feel like I've grown into what I want from life and I'm not prepared to just toe the line now on things that don't make sense or don't align with my values. The benefits of midlife! I'm glad you've found your way and taken the leap into the raging river - that's an exciting image that I'll keep in mind to motivate me. ✨

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Happy for you, Holly!

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Thanks Revine 😁

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