I loved this post Holly! So helpful to categorise those three states! I’m definitely letting blue dominate, even though I’m being very mindful to find time for green activities every day.

A lot of my green activities are similar to yours, particularly being very mindful of the plants and nature around me when I go for walks, it’s spring here and all the wildflowers are out on my usual walking route, it’s a delight 🌸

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I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful! I found this one of the most useful things I learned on my course and I notice now when I feel like “hmmm I’m spending a lot of time lately in X zone” and it prompts me to pause and reflect. I think there are seasons for everything, but I’m more aware now and can spot sooner when things are getting a bit unbalanced.

It can be quite exciting at times to be in the blue zone though and I hope you’re enjoying your adventures there and the sense of achievement! Spring wildflowers sound so lovely! 🥰 They’ve started mowing all the wildflower fields near me as autumn arrives and I’m sad to see them go. But a good reminder to make the most of each season :)

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What a fantastic post! I loved my time studying for mindfulness teacher training—it was when I felt the most zen and content (except essay writing time or leading new practices I wasn't sure about!). I definitely recognise that striving attitude you mentioned. It’s so valuable to identify and understand these states to better navigate them.

Recently, my body has pushed me to slow down, moving from that striving, to a state that’s more zen than zest. (I’d love to stay in that peaceful, unhurried place permanently!)

I hope the late-night shifts aren’t too demanding. I really appreciate what you’re doing here. ake care and be kind to yourself too x

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Thanks so much Georgie, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. It's amazing how zen we can feel when we're devoting a good chunk of time to mindfulness. I think it's something that will ebb and flow for me throughout the seasons of life, but I'll keep going back to having more zen time when I can. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could stay at this pace permanently? Good for you for listening to your body and giving it the rest it needs, and you be kind to yourself too. x

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