On Gratitude: Counting my birthday blessings
It's been a bloody brilliant year really, all things considered!
Happy birthday to me!
It was my birthday on Monday. 🥳
I had a lovely long weekend in London (starting with some slightly less lovely dental surgery on Thursday – but progress). Slow and steady celebrations, nothing too wild.
I saw Hamilton on Friday with my boyfriend. It was great: creative and entertaining and prompted us both to learn a little American history (thank you Wikipedia).
Tasty Thai food and drinks with the ladies on Saturday. Lazy Sunday mid-Storm Bert with a blustery woodland walk and some productive writing time.
And on the “big day”, I had a solo date checking out the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition before some afternoon mocktails with the boyf.
(FYI: WPY is on at the Natural History Museum. If you’re in London and haven’t seen it, I’d highly recommend it! I go every year and I’m never disappointed).
Hi, I’m Holly - coach, mindfulness facilitator and author of Zestful Zen. I write about self-care, change, personal growth, mindfulness, and purpose. If you like life to be full of zest and energy, complemented by a zen, calm mind, Zestful Zen is the community for you! 💖✨
Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving
It was great to slow down briefly during a hectic work period, and I’m grateful I’d booked a few days off.
My leave coincided with lots of Substack and social media reminders about US Thanksgiving Day, which got me pondering on gratitude.
I think I’m one of those people that luckily has an in-built gratitude setting. It seems second nature to me to count my blessings and spot the silver linings, even when times have been tough.
Maybe it’s my genetics or maybe my upbringing.
I don’t recall my parents pushing gratitude when I was a kid. But they came from humble backgrounds, worked hard for everything they had and faced financial stress over the years.
So, there was a general vibe of appreciation and relief that life worked out mostly okay in the end.
Whatever it was, I’m grateful that I have the gratitude attitude – it makes life better for me (and those around me, I hope).
Practicing gratitude
I don’t have a regular formal gratitude practice (there’s lots of scientific research out there demonstrating the benefits of gratitude practices, so I’d like to do more).
But my appreciation typically pops up naturally throughout the day. And milestone moments (like my birthday) tend to prompt more reflection.
Although this birthday wasn’t a special number, and I had low-key celebrations rather than a big blow-out party, there was something about it that felt kind of momentous.
Perhaps a sense of being happy with who I am and content with the path I’m following? A level of certainty and conviction that I’m doing the right thing, plus pride in the progress I made over the past year of my life.
My gratitude list
So, what am I most grateful for?
It probably won’t surprise you that people figure highly on my gratitude list.
My partner really encourages me to step outside my comfort zone and go after the career that I want.
I have a tight-knit circle of friends I can count on and a small, supportive family looking out for me.
I’ve got my work besties and the lovely Substack community cheering me (and others) on every day. Thank you to my supportive readers!
And not forgetting, the kindness of strangers that often lights up my days.
When I look back over the last year, I’m grateful that I worked my arse off to create and seize opportunities (and grateful that the universe also magically presented some).
I see this as a pattern throughout my life. I feel lucky at the chances that I’ve had and recognise serendipity and the privilege I have compared to many around the world. But I also throw all my energy into achieving my goals and I deserve that success.
I’m grateful that I had the courage to put myself out there and try new things (hello, now I’m a writer?!)
I’m grateful that I was able to overcome my inner caution and take some financial risks to invest in my future (in the form of investing in myself – as a solopreneur-to-be, I am my greatest asset, and learning new skills is the best insurance I have).
I’m grateful that I embraced mindfulness, deepened my formal practice and embedded mindfulness into my daily life. Doing things mindfully has made all the difference and helped me take decisions with confidence.
I’m grateful for my health. I’m not the fittest or slimmest I’ve ever been, but after a few years of surgeries and a period of chronic pain that’s fortunately behind me now, I have a new appreciation for my body and everything it enables me to do.
I’m grateful for my furry family. It’s cost me lots to move them around the world with me, but they’re worth it. We give each other love and companionship every day.
I’m grateful that I have a clear path forward in my career. I’ve taken hard decisions that require giving some things up, and there’s lots of risk ahead. But I know that I’m doing the right thing, and more fulfilling work awaits me.
I’m grateful for my innate curiosity and my appetite for learning and development. These help me to explore, grow, find adventure, discover new things, and gain skills and knowledge. Life is never boring when you’re curious!
I’m grateful for the challenges and obstacles I’ve faced. They’ve been difficult, but they’ve made me stronger and more empathetic. They’ve given me insights. As doors closed, they shifted me in different directions I might not have considered otherwise.
Like I said, I can always see the silver linings. Even in bereavement, that I would never wish for, I’ve found lessons and ways to grow as a person.
And of course, I’m grateful for the many things we often take for granted. I have safety, which many don’t. I had a good (free) education. I have food, shelter, warmth, clean running water and an income. And so many more things I could list.
Gratitude as motivation
Some might think that too much gratitude holds us back and stops us going after our goals. That somehow, appreciating what we’ve got makes us rest on our laurels or maybe feel like it would be ungrateful to want more.
I don’t agree. The way I see it, I can be grateful for what I have and let that sense of satisfaction and positivity power me towards even better outcomes.
Knowing that I’ll find a silver lining whatever way I land gives me more freedom and motivation to take chances.
I’m grateful that I have the inner strength to go after my dreams and to try to make the world a better place. What’s not to love in that?
Questions for self-reflection or journalling ✍️
What (and who) are you most grateful for in your life?
What little things are you overlooking?
What silver linings can you find in challenges you’ve faced?
How can you embed gratitude into your daily routine?
Now take action 🎯
Set aside 10 minutes to reflect on gratitude.
Brainstorm 5-10 things (or more!) that you’re grateful for (e.g. right now; or over the past week/month/year; or linked to a specific event or circumstance).
Try a formal gratitude practice. Maybe you could journal 3 things you’re grateful every evening before bed. Or start your day with gratitude - make a voice note while you take a walk. Or round up your week with a Sunday reflection.
Express your gratitude to those around you - let them know how much you appreciate them (especially people or contributions that are often overlooked).
Bring friends or family into your gratitude practice, e.g. a daily exchange on one thing you’re each grateful for.
Don’t forget to be grateful for yourself too!
Share your perspective ✨
I’d love to hear your thoughts on gratitude. Do you have a regular gratitude practice? Or it’s more of an attitude you bring to daily life? What makes you thankful?
Let’s have a conversation in the comments or subscriber chat. Or feel free to drop me a DM. 💬
Have a sublime Saturday, friends! 🌞
P.S. Sorry this post is published later than usual - it’s been a crazy few days in the office. I’m grateful for your understanding! 😅
Ways to connect or work with me 💬
DM me, jump in the subscriber chat, or connect via my website, LinkedIn or Instagram 😁 I offer coaching sessions and mindfulness courses.
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Happy Birthday Holly! I am grateful for your weekly wisdom here on Subtack!
As you might remember, I just finished Positively Present's [hashtag] gratitude 30. I've been doing this for years. I also did a 365 days gratitude challenge on IG for many years. So, you can see I'm a big fan! And I'm happy to see your awesome list ✨
I've messed about with a daily gratitude since I journal every morning for - you guessed it - years, but never hit the right feeling surrounding it until I stopped writing 1-3 and pushed myself to write at least 10. It's made a big difference. I think because I have to work for it.